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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Most Porpular Lies Lovers Tell

How truthfull are we when it comes to relationships with our partners. in the course of talking with our loved ones we tell lots of meaningless lies expecially when we are in love. We want to convince our partners of our love for them. Here are a few of the lies we tell.
I Can't Leave Without You: This is usually told by either parties at times when there is a problem and one partner is threatening to leave. This is the best weapon men use to confuse and put the female in a delima to make her put all her trust, time and enegy on him
I Can Never Forget You: This is mostly said when either parties want to quite the relatioships. When the guy is not sure of his decisions and wants to keep a link or access should he should he decide to come back in the future if there is any breake up
I Don't Know What Came Over Me: Don't ever believe this. We always Know what it was that came over us and make us do what we do, that is because we have the ability to control our emotions and anger, except we just want to do some thing intentionaly. We use this word to hide our feeling and guilt since it's socially accepted.
Where Have You been All My Life: "Why don't you just say where have i been all your life" because if someone ever tells me this word i'll simply say "LOST". Men tend to use this word most that early stage of the affairs during romantic ecstacy.
I Love You: Here comes the grandfather of all lies most lovers tell though i most confess not all times some lovers are sincere and can realy do anything to prove their love for you but this word has been misused since love exist, the female folks are the owner of this word that is because when they want to demand from anything from a man they simply say "I Love you", when they offend you instead of saying i'm sorry; they say "I love You" .

12 Things women Do That Men Hate

"A woman is like a treasure, she is measured by her qualites and personalities"
gossiping, gold-digging, nagging, hanging on too tight. These are among the top things women do that turn men off says Author jennifer Bawden.
"women looking for a man often don't realize the way a man thinks-what brings him close and what makes him run," said Bawden author of get a life, then get a man,"they send out the wrong signals and then wonder what caused their date to flee."
here are the top male tuneoffs, according to Bawden who is also a model and dress designer.
Gossiping: Criticizing other woman's looks or intelligence is a type offemale combat, a way to verberly eliminate the competition. but men don't feel comfortable with a woman who sits around bad mouthing others it makes her looks little and petty.
Gold-Digging: No man wants to think his wallet is the main attraction. And many men feel that when a woman's firstquestion is "what do you do for?" it's the same as asking how much money do you make?, have?, or spend.
Nagging: Men getoffended when somebody is constantly pointing outwhere where they've stumbled or how they could have done things better. No likes to be criticized.
Hanging On Too Tight: Some women cling to a man for dear life . they can't pick a movie or resaurant with his advice, they depend on a man for everything and call several times a day. This makes a man furious and crazy.
Jealousy: It's self defeating. The way to stay close to a man is to give him freedom. if he's trusworthy, give him a breake. if you know for certain he's cheating move on.
Unappreciation (Not Saying Thank You) : Men hate it when they go to the trouble of arranging a date, picking a woman up and taking her out, then at the end of the evening not even receiving a thank you. Always rememmber this, make it a point to call him again and say thank you, telling him how you enjoyed the the meal and the discusion.
Insecurity: men are comfortable with women who inturn are comfortable with themselves. When a manoffers a compliment, he hopes you'll accept it and thank him rather than brushing it off.
Dwelling On Past Relationships:A man assumes that if a woman talks about her past relationships, she's hinting she's not inetrested in him or is not yet over her latest ex. Men can also feel threatened when asked about divulge details of their own relationships. So the fact is simple just keep mute about it.
Chronic Whinning: For chronic complainers ,nothing is over right. Men feel that with a whinner, they're expected to solve all of her problems.
Babbling: Some women chatter on and on superficial things like what their hairdresser said or what someone was wearing. Find something newsworthy or funny or even romantic to talk about, just anything is better than girl stuff.
OverPacking: travelling with a bus-load of suitcase is the sign of a prima-donna who expects companions to carry bags for her. If it can't fit into a pull-along carryon and one similar tote bag, then leave it at home. Just don't carry more than you need.
Keeping Him Waitin: In a recent interview "A with some guys the concluded that a man would never dream of keeping people waiting while he puts Gel in his hair or groomed his beard."
Yet you often hear women saying, "but i'm puting on make up. Is that realy worth keeping some one waiting for 45 mins?